SEO/spoofed website scam

SEO/spoofed website scam

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) abuse attacks are rising and becoming more sophisticated—learn how you can fight them ...more


July 25, 20242 min read

The Dark Side of Home Improvement

The Dark Side of Home Improvement

Home improvements do add to your house’s comfort and value, but there are unscrupulous contractors out there who view the older homeowner as an ideal mark. With this blog post, I share some advice on ... ...more


October 04, 20236 min read

Elder Fraud—Mounting Your Best Defense

Elder Fraud—Mounting Your Best Defense

How to stay vigilant against fraud and a list of the most prevalent scams used against the elderly. ...more


July 07, 20236 min read

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Ric is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and investment advisor. Click here to learn more.